ZinFurbishing™ • ZinRepairs™ • ZinCessories™ • ZinRentals™ • ZinSales™
2″ Quad, 2″ Helical, 1″ Helical, 1/2″ Helical, and
many other vintage professonal VTR and VCR formats
From Cassettes to Quad, Ken has had “Hands-In” more formats than he’d like to remember. That depth of knowledge enables Zin! VTR Works to provide excellently prepared Archival Video Recorders to preserve one-of-a-kind content.
Ken solves related complex problems. See examples in the “Posts” section here at www.ZinVTRWorks.com
Service • Parts • New Circuitry for Old Equipment • New Machines for Old Formats. Ask for details.
Zin! VTR Works serves a range of Archive and Commercial clients.
We can help you! Call (530) 777-4ZIN (4946) or e-mail ted@ZinVTRWorks.com
What customers say:
“(I) consider Mr. Zin to be one of the true experts in the field of legacy video equipment.
I know of few men who come close to having his knowledge and technical ability to refurbish 2″ quad and 1″ helical VTRs. I cannot recommend Mr. Zin highly enough.”—Allan McConnell, Head, Audio Video Preservation Laboratory, Library of Congress (Read 2007 letter)
Watch ZinVTRWorks.com for more details about our
- ZinRentals™ Archival Quality VTR and VCR Rental and Leasing Service
- ZinFurbished™ Sony BVU-950 3/4″ recorders with internal TBCs and Time Code
- ZinFurbished™ Sony VO-9850 and Sony VO-9800 3/4″ VCR’s with SMPTE Time Code and ZinFan™
- Click here to request details on what’s been done to a specific ZinFurbished™ Sony VO-9850
- ZinFurbished™ AVR-2 Quad VTR
- All listed VTRs and VCRs available for purchase, lease or rent
- Have us ZinSpect™ your machines.
- ZinCessories™ include:
- ZinCards: AVR-2 Extender Card Sets and custom-made cards for your VTRs and VCRs
- Calibrated Tektronix VM-700A Automated Test Systems with ability to save or print test results
- Calibrated Test Signal Generators from Tektronix and Rhode and Schwarz
Contact Ted Langdell for information
As of Sept. 8, 2023 We’ve got a NEW NUMBER: (530) 777-4ZIN (4946)
or Click here to e-mail