Category: For Sale VCRs

ZinFurbishing an Ampex AVR-2: What Ken found
Ken has been working on Ampex AVR-2 Serial #197, which began life as one of a pair of machines at KRBK-TV, Sacramento, California.
Seen here at time o ...

IVC 1-Inch Spoken, Zinfurbished, Rented and Sold Here!
This IVC-820-C and other IVC 1-Inch VTRs are available for rental or sale.
Zin! VTR Works has IVC 870 editors, IVC 825A, IVC 820-C NTSC, IVC XV-815 ...

ZinFurbished™ Sony VO-9850 3/4″ Umatic VCRs for Archival use
We’ve put the ZING! back into this and other VO-9850s
VO-9850 3/4" Umatic VCR
We start with a high serial number machine. That means it’s n ...

Panasonic AG-W3 “World VHS VCR”: Two available for Rent or Sale
This VCR can convert the signal on tapes made using one television standard to another... and can convert one television standard to another.
A ...