Category: Parts

ZinParts: Replacement belts and other parts for broadcast, professional and vintage VTRs and VCRs
Zin! VTR Works has parts available for a number of common VCRs, such as these high-quality replacements for Sony 3/4" Umatic recorders:
A kit of all f ...

3/4” Umatic Lube and Oil!
Just what you need for Spring VTR Cleaning!
Lube and Oil!
ZinLube: Lithium Complex Synthetic Grease.
Viscosity stays the same over wide t ...

Netherlands: Here We Come
Another 4-belt kit for Sony VO-series 3/4” Umatic decks is ready to ship... this time to the Netherlands.
Customers often want pinch rollers inc ...

Zinfurbished RCA TR-70C 2″ Quad recorder has shipped!
The last phase of a multi-year Zinfurbishment has arrived for this RCA TR-70C 2" Quad television tape recorder:
It shipped Oct. 24, and is on its way ...

IVC 1-Inch Spoken, Zinfurbished, Rented and Sold Here!
This IVC-820-C and other IVC 1-Inch VTRs are available for rental or sale.
Zin! VTR Works has IVC 870 editors, IVC 825A, IVC 820-C NTSC, IVC XV-815 ...