This IVC-820-C and other IVC 1-Inch VTRs are available for rental or sale.
Zin! VTR Works has IVC 870 editors, IVC 825A, IVC 820-C NTSC, IVC XV-815 Wideband 1021/1049 Line 60Hz and IVC 816X Wideband 50Hz units available for Zinfurbishing, Rental and Sale.
Some of these machines were used at IVC for testing and creation of test materials.
IVC Parts and other information may also be available.
Principal Engineer Ken Zin has been factory-trained on these machines and issued certificates by the manufacturer:
- IVC (International Video Corporation):
- 1972 800/700/600 Series Color Video Recorders
Contact us about IVC 1-Inch VTRs: Zinfurbishment of your machines, Rental or Sale pricing of Zinfurbished IVC systems, or to find a new home for your IVC machine if you no longer have a use for it.
Please include your First and Last Name, City, State/Province, Country, Daytime Phone and E-mail address.
Zin! VTR Works Zinspected machines are thoroughly inspected, cleaned, lubricated, tested for proper operation, essential wearing parts replaced as needed.
ZinFurbished machines may have additional parts replaced such as capacitors, bearings, belts, and additional adjustment made using Rohde and Schwarz analyzers to create a premium, Archival Quality VCR with the expectation of longer life, better results and less fussing over time.