Zin! VTR Works has parts available for a number of common VCRs, such as these high-quality replacements for Sony 3/4″ Umatic recorders:
A kit of all four belts seen below is only $50 plus quick shipping, INSURED! This one’s going to Canada! We’ve shipped kits to New Zealand, France, the UK, and quite a few customers here in the US of A. In the US, Priority Mail get them to you in 1-3 days for less than the cost of FedEx Ground!
![]() ZIN-ZinPart-Z-3-672-737-01 |
ONE ZIN LOADING RING (Threading Ring) BELT. Replaces Sony Part 3-672-737-01 For Sony BVU-950, 900, 920, VO-98xx, 96xx, 50XX, VP-7640, 7240 and others $17.00 plus any applicable tax and shipping |
ONE ZIN CASSETTE LOADING ELEVATOR BELT. Replaces Sony Part 3-653-387-00 For Sony BVU-950, 900, 920, VO-98xx, 96xx, 50XX, VP-7640, 7240 and others $17.00 plus any applicable tax and shipping |
ONE ZIN REPLACEMENT for Sony VO SERIES FF/REW TIRE For Sony VO-series and VP-series 3/4″ Umatic recorders and players. $17.00 plus any applicable tax and shipping |
ONE ZIN REPLACEMENT FF/REW BELT Replaces Sony Part 3-668-785-00 For Sony VO Series including VO-98xx, 96xx, 50XX, VP-7640, 7240, others This ROUND belt avoids the twisting problem square belts have over time, becoming twisted, and stressed as a result, which leads to failure. These round belts from Zin! VTR Works have been installed in heavy-use environments for more than a year with no replacements required. $17.00 plus any applicable tax and shipping |
We also have COUNTER BELTS for the VO-5600, and other VO-5xxx machines that use a mechanical tape counter.

A SIX-BELT KIT with Counter A, Counter B, and Cassette Elevator, Threading Ring Worm Gear, Fast Forward/Rewind Belt and FF/REW Idler tire is $70.
ONE AIR DAMPER FOR Sony BVU-950, ALSO FITS VO-98xx, 96xx, 50XX, VP-7640, 7240 and others The Air Damper improves flutter performance. Replace missing Air Dampers on your BVU-900, 920 or 950, or add it to units that never had the air damper’s benefits like the Sony VO-98xx, 96xx, 50XX, VP-7640, 7240 and other Sony 3/4″ Umatic VCRs. Slides on. $18.00 plus any applicable tax and shipping. |
We’ll be adding pictures and more items to this page and shortly, and will have items available for sale through the new Online Moving Image Tools and Technology Store! So, bookmark this page or contact us using the link below and ask to be notified when the MIT&T Store goes on-line.
Zin! VTR Works has recently supplied a brand-new replacement motor for original equipment on an Ampex AVR-3 Quad VTRs. It took some digging, but we were able to find a replacement, and mounted Ampex parts onto the motor before returning it to the customer.
Pinch Rollers:
We can supply other parts including Pinch Rollers for various machines.
We’re taking orders now for a new batch of replacement Ampex Quad pinch rollers, made to Ampex specifications including durometer (hardness/softness) of the rubber.
We also supply replacements for Sony 3/4″ pinch rollers, which are becoming or have become unobtanium from Sony and other distributors.
These are fresh, new rollers and new bearings, not old rollers stripped of the rubber and recovered. They fit Sony BVU 950, BVU-920, BVU-900, VO-9850, VO-9800, VO-9600, VO-5850, VO-5800, VO-5600, VP-7640, VP-7240 and other Sony 3/4″ Umatic VTRs.

Replacement for Sony X-3668758-3 Pinch Roller
For more information or to order, click here ted@ZinVTRWorks.com and let us know how to reach you by phone and e-mail and what parts you’re specifically interested in. INCLUDE Make, model of deck, and manufacturer part numbers help ensure we provide the correct part!
How are your Pinch Rollers doing?
Quick Roller Condition test:
If you take your thumbnail and push into the rubber of the roller, it should go in, but when you pull your thumbnail away the indentation should disappear.
If it doesn’t disappear, the rubber is too soft. If you can’t make an indentation, it’s too hard.
How will ZinRollers be different from what else you may find? Ken advises:
These would be of the proper durometer so that the tape can make a slight depression in the rubber.
That allows the roller to contact the capstan shaft above and below the tape so that the tape is moved by the pinch roller contacting the back side of the tape… rather than the capstan shaft driving the recorded surface of the tape as happens when the roller is too hard.
Correct durometer as noted above helps avoid tape slippage and video errors, increased capstan roller pressure, additional wear on bearings, etc.
These replacement rollers would be ground to final specifications with new bearings installed, so that the results are concentric and the correct diameter so you won’t have issues with flutter or speed.
These rubber rollers stay cleaner longer than replacements made from materials such as polyurethane that may be available. Ken tried polyurethane rollers in customers machines (in one case, a large duplication facility) and heard complaints that operators were having to stop work to clean the poly rollers about every fourth tape. Not good, especially on cassette-based units.
Ken supplied and installed rubber pinch rollers, which resolved the problem and gave significantly longer times between the need to clean the rollers.
New or refurbished video heads or assemblies may be available for some decks. Ask us for details!
We have other resources and can supply refurbished upper drums and scanners for a range of broadcast 2″ Quad, 1″, 3/4″, Betacam/BetacamSP/Digital Betacam and Panasonic DVCPro recorders.
We also have several genuine, factory sealed new (old stock) Sony RV-12 replacement upper drums for Sony’s early editing recorders, including BVU-800, BVU-200A and BVU-200, Sony VO-5850, VO-5850P, VO-2860 and VO-2850A:

Sony RV-12 replacement upper drums for Sony’s early editing recorders, including BVU-800, BVU-200A and BVU-200, Sony VO-5850, VO-5850P, VO-2860 and VO-2850A
And, we have boxes of new (old stock) Sony parts we haven’t yet cataloged. These include small motors, reel tables, brake bands, and a plethora of other small items.
For more information or to order, click here ted@ZinVTRWorks.com and let us know how to reach you and what parts you’re specifically interested in.
Contact us for Service, Parts and Consultation on Videotape Recorder Modifications and Videotape Migration Systems.